Ich liebe es ein wenig in Blogs spazierenzugehen. Für eine Weile bin ich Gast in der Welt eines anderen Menschens, den ich meist ja gar nicht persönlich kenne. Es gibt da Augenblicke, wo mich innerlich etwas berührt, wenn ich ein Foto anschaue, das mir sehr gut gefällt oder etwas vom Blogeigener Selbstgemachtes, das er mit mir dem Betrachter teilen, mir mitteilen möchte. Ja, es gibt da viele schöne kleine Momente, deswegen heißt mein Blog, just a moment in your life.

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

Pink late summer for Monday Mosaic / Rosa Spätsommer

Wenn ich mich in meinem Garten umschaue, überwiegt jetzt rosa in verschiedenen Tönen.
Ein Grund dieser Farbe ein Post mit meinen Spätsommerblüten zu widmen.

When looking around in my garden, pink in different tintings preponderates.
A reason to to devote this colour a post with my late summer flowers.

Dahlien sind die kleinen Schönheitsköniginnen im Spätsommer, ihre Blüten
erstaunen mich immer wieder, ausserdem verblühen sie nicht so schnell.

Dahlias are the little beauty queens in late summer.
Its bloosoms always amaze me, and they wither not so quick.

Die Bienen sind immer noch fleißig.
The bees are still busy.

Jetzt zeigen die Rosen ihre zweite Blüte.

The roses are showing its second bloomings.

Diese Anemonen sind fast wie Unkraut in meinem Garten,
ihr Vorteil sie wachsen im Schatten und auf dem steinigen Boden ohne Pflege.

These anemones are nearly like weed in my garden.
Their advanges they grow in the shadow and on the stony soil without cultivation

Die Kartoffelrosen haben von Frühling bis jetzt immer wieder geblüht
This japane rose was blooming the whole time from spring until now.

Die Wicke ist eine meiner Lieblingsblumen, da sie so zart ist und wunderbar duftet.
Sweat pea is one of my favorites, as they are so tender and scent so wonderful.

Ich hätte diese Malve fast übersehen.
I nearly overlooked this hollyhock.

Einer meiner Schattenfavoriten, fleißiges Lieschen.
One of my shadowfavorites, bussy lizzie.

I give thanks to Mary for her great idea sharing the Monday Mosaic.
It is always great fun.
Here you can find more Monday Mosaics.

Weitere Mosaike auf Marys Blog Little Red House

Meine neuste Mosaikkugel, my newest mosaic bowl.

13 Kommentare:

  1. Such lovely blossoms! I want some weeds like yours with the anemones! Sweet peas are one of my very favorites for their scent but I couldn't get them to grow this year. I should have tried one more time after it warmed up a bit. There is always next year. Thank you for sharing your garden beauty. I hope you are feeling much better now.♥

  2. You have such incredible flowers. I do all right with herbs, but have never been able to have much success with flowers.

  3. Das regelmäßige Verweilen in deinem Garten via Blog ist ein Genuß mit positver Wirkung!
    Lieben Gruß

  4. Beautiful colours in your mosaic, I have lots of Japanese anemones in the garden and I love them, some late Summer colour.Like you I have the roses flowering for the second time, which are a delight. Have a great week, Jackie in UK.

  5. Hi Anja! Thank you for visiting me and my blog. Glad you like the photos and the mosaic!
    The yellow mosaic is a "free hand" mosaic and I have done in it Photoshop Elements. Just put the photos together till I thought it looked good. Otherwise I have some of my photos on Flickr and use BigHugeLabs. What programs do you use?
    You wrote about the japanese anemones: "These anemones are nearly like weed in my garden.
    They grow in the shadow and on the stony soil without cultivation!" Mine don't grow like weed. I am so envious of yours. Lovely mosaic and photos as usual.

  6. Anja, your garden is looking wonderful. Love all the different shades of pink. Take care:)

  7. Beautiful mosaic - love the colors!

  8. Hello Anja!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment. I'm glad you liked my mosaic...it's not hard to make a mosaic look good with pictures from British Columbia. I'm glad you made it larger so you could see the pictures better. You have a lovely blog and your photographs are absolutely beautiful! I will have to look through your blog to see if I can find your garden pictures. I hope you are having a nice evening. Take care.
    Maura :)

  9. Pink always make me think of Spring, so your mosaic is very refreshing and unexpected! Thanks for stopping by my place today!

  10. Your photographs are simply beautiful!

  11. Beautiful flowers! I love pink flowers!

  12. Anja - I love the color scheme for this week's mosaic. Beautiful!


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